The dance profession has very specific requirements for the physical and intellectual capacities of the dancer.
As a professional academy, we are aware of these requirements. We therefore cannot accept all children who wish to become ballet dancers.
When it is not sufficiently clear that a child will be able to meet the strict requirements of the field, he will not be admitted to the program. This may sometimes seem harsh, but it would not be fair for the child, parents or teachers to start lessons in the wrong conditions.
To find out if a child is sufficiently suitable to be admitted to the Ballet school of Belgium, he must pass an audition.
Ballet school of Belgium offers you two possibilities in order to audition:
via internet (video)
via audition organized during an event
private audition at school
Registration and auditions are open to candidates aged 8 to 16. It is essential that you send an email with the completed registration form to the following address balletschoolofbelgium@hotmail.com.