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Internat de Morlanwelz


Rue de l'Enseignement, 8-10
7140 Morlanwelz



Sur rendez-vous  

​L'internat est ouvert du lundi 7h30 au vendredi 18h à l'exception des jours fériés et des vacances scolaires.  

Living conditions:

Boys and girls are accommodated on the school side (individual rooms for all). The boarding fee includes bedding, meals, and activities.

Boarders are divided by age, and they are never alone (supervised by educational staff).


Boarders have their meals at the Athénée's restaurant:

  • Breakfast (7:00 AM - 7:15 AM)

  • Lunch (11:40 AM - 12:30 PM)

  • Afternoon Snack (4:15 PM)

  • Dinner (6:45 PM)

Since September 2018, an innovative kitchen has been offering menus crafted from locally sourced, high-quality, seasonal ingredients.


Studies are supervised in the dormitories with one educator per dormitory. The amount of time dedicated to studying varies based on each individual's academic performance.

Indeed, it is always possible to schedule an additional evening study session if the educator deems it necessary.

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